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Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection Free - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Prospects & Leads...
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(Enjot this blog post from Guest Blogger Ferny Ceballos)
Have you ever wondered where you can find prospects who are ready to buy your products and join your team?
Were talking prospects who are already qualified and have a high likelihood of joining your business or buying your products.
Well, theyre out there, right now, waiting to hear from you!
And in the video below, Im going to share exactly how to connect with them en masse.
I have students in my community who Ive been working with for the past one or two years.
And they found that in order to rapidly expand your network marketing business, you should
What theyre doing now is recruiting people into their organizations who need minimal training.
People with a high likelihood of immediately building large teams and driving up volume.
Sound interesting?
Im going to show you how thats done.
This topic was inspired by something I heard at Eric Worres Social Media Summit.
The speakers are top people in the network marketing space who have experience building through social media.
And about 90% to 95% of everything that was shared, I completely agree with.
There was one thing, however, I completely disagreed with.
The idea of building a brand came up, and it was mentioned that you may want to consider building a brand around a passion.
Then you can create a community of people that know, like, and trust you.
They suggested, taking whatever thing youre passionate about, building that audience, and eventually inviting those people to look at your network marketing business.
This idea of building a brand around goat yoga, and then somehow leveraging that to bring people into your business just didnt make any sense to me.
Some people may be able to do that, but for the most part, it just seems like a massive shift and distraction away from what youre trying to do.
The person saying this had built traditionally until recently.
Now, theyre using social media and telling people about building a following and a brand in a completely different arena and then somehow leveraging that.
I dont recommend that plan because
Then, there was even another level of advice, which made the advice even more disturbing.
Build this brand around your passion. However, it would be a mistake trying to build it around the network marketing niche, if network marketing is your passion.
Im thinking
This makes absolutely no sense! Youre telling people to build a brand around goat yoga. But the one thing you dont want them to do is to build a brand around network marketing, which is directly related to what theyre doing?
The idea that youd want to build a brand around goat yoga, or baseball, and then thinking that those people would be qualified to be in your network marketing business doesnt make sense.
*Scratching my head.*
Today, I want to share with you the reasons I have this opinion, and the reason we do things a certain way in Elite Marketing Pro.
Im going to tell you the one type of person I recommend you concentrate most of your time on.
Its the reason the people I mentioned earlier are able to exclusively bring people into their business who have a high likelihood of taking massive action, need minimal training, and are very likely to build large teams in their organization.
I want to state my case that if youre going to be building a brand around a passion, that it should be close to the network marketing niche.
If its not the network marketing niche, it can be in affiliate marketing, or it can be broader home business niche.
In any market, there are essentially five levels of people that you may want to go after.
The first level is
These are people that dont know they have a problem.
They are not willing to do anything about whats ailing them in their life.
If theyre overweight, then theyre saying
Oh, Im just big-boned, and theres nothing I can do about it, so blah, blah, blah.
Theres no problem, right?
In our market, in the opportunity space, the clueless people are the people that dont realize they need to make extra income.
These are the people that are just expecting Uncle Sam to take care of them or thinking that their job is going to be there forever.
Theres no rush, no urgency to make any drastic changes, so if you invite these people to an opportunity presentation, theyre going to say
Ugh, no thanks.
Its just not for them because theyre not in any pain or dont think theres a problem to be solved.
In network marketing, were taught to go after everybody.
The problem is when we go after everybody, the biggest segment of any market are the clueless.
Thats the reason you deal with so much rejection if youre using old-school methods to build.
Even if youre expanding your base of people to talk to using cold market strategies through social media, still, most people youre going to be interacting with are the clueless.
They dont even know they have a problem.
The next level is
These people realize they have a problem and they need to solve it.
So, they start seeking information on what potentially can solve the problem.
Maybe theyre in the weight loss niche.
Theyre probably doing some basic Google searches on how to lose weight quickly, or how to lose 10 pounds next week.
They havent really invested anything, but theyre searching for information.
In the opportunity space, these are the opportunity-seekers.
They realize
Hey, I need to make some more money. I wonder what I could do.
But they havent invested in anything.
They dont have a business mindset.
They dont know that investing in a business is going to cost money and be a lot of work.
They have no clue, but hey, at least theyre searching.
Info-seekers and opportunity-seekers are the same thing.
Its just info-seekers is a generic term for any market.
The opportunity-seekers in our space are the people that are looking to do something to make extra money.
They have no idea in terms of the commitment and hard work that its going to take to make any money.
The next level is a subset of the info-seekers.
These are people who have done a lot of research and spent a lot of time looking at products or opportunities similar to yours.
They havent bought yet, but theyve laid out their options and they say
I think these are the things I may want to do. Im just trying to make up my mind.
These are people that have not paid anything yet, but have paid a little bit with their time.
The next level of any market is going to be
This is going to be a much smaller part of the market.
If you dont know what youre doing, they can be difficult to find, but its the hottest group.
The buyers market are the people you want to target and heres the reason
They are already buying stuff similar to what youre selling.
Theyve already invested in products like yours.
In other words, theyve invested in your competitors.
If theyre in the opportunity space, theyve already joined something.
In the past, theyve already invested in network marketing or theyve done affiliate marketing.
The reason the buyers market is such a hot market is because theyve already proven that theyre willing to invest.
Thats why this is the group you should focus on.
One of the original books I read on this subject is Magnetic Sponsoring, by Mike Dillard.
It lays out the case for why you would want to target network marketers in your advertising.
I want to be clear, this doesnt mean poaching.
It means building an audience.
Just like I heard over the weekend, building audience around the goat yoga thing, but not network marketing.
I have the opposite advice.
Forget the goat yoga thing.
The reason is they already believe in the business model.
Network marketers have already spent money in the industry.
They believe so much theyre willing to take out their wallet and pay for these different things that are going to help them in their business.
People in network marketing who are business builders want to succeed in what theyre doing, so they have a built-in desire to do that.
Network marketers are willing and eager to purchase anything that would help them succeed.
This is why, in Elite Marketing Pro, we have you target and build an audience around network marketing.
Its not so you can poach people.
When your audience is big enough, people will generally fall into a few categories.
They might be open because they believe in the model, because they bought into it at one point, but for whatever reason, it didnt work out.
People who are not happy in their current situation and theyre thinking of leaving.
Theyre told to build old-school, and theyre upline is not being very cooperative, so theyre out the door.
Those are the people you can potentially show your business opportunity.
Youre not poaching them from anything.
Theyre open for one reason or another because of their circumstances.
The next group are people that are already happy in what theyre doing, and for those people, you love on them, and you say
Good for you go build Amway or Herbalife. Here are some tools that can help you do that.
Then you provide support and value.
You build an audience of those people mixed in with all the other people.
Thats what we teach here at Elite Marketing Pro.
Its not to poach.
Its to build an audience in an arena that is closely aligned with what youre doing.
Once that audience is growing you can talk to the people that are open to something because theyre out the door from another deal they were working on.
Theyre the people you can immediately bring in.
Thats maybe 10% of the market.
That percentage is a much bigger percentage than the percentage youre going after with regards to your warm market and your cold market.
Then, the 90%, you keep pouring value in and help them in what theyre doing.
Here at Elite Marketing Pro, we provide the system that enables you to do that and make money from those people.
Instead of building the goat yoga brand
Youre leveraging what weve already created to help you draw in these people and build a following.
You can serve the 90% who are not interested in what youre doing, and thats okay, and you can make money from them too, but guess what?
At some point, something is going to go awry in their business, as well.
Their company gets shut down.
They dont like their company anymore.
They dont like their upline.
At some point, a few of those 90%, the timing is right for them to consider something else.
And if youre audience is big, that means a lot of people eventually coming to you.
Youre the person thats been in front of them this whole time, pouring value on them and giving them resources that can be useful to them.
At some point, theyre going to reach out and say
Hey, Ferny, Im really looking to make a big move in my business and looking for a company to align myself with, and I really like your style. I want to talk.
Once a month, you can send an email invitation to an online presentation to that audience.
If you have a big audience, you cant do a lot of one-on-ones, so you can present to a group, and those people can raise their hand and say
Yeah, I want to know what Tracy is working on or what Michael is working on.
Thats the power of a buyers market.
If youre in the weight loss niche, then
Target people that are already buying from Weight Watchers, or already buying from Nutrisystem.
What you have obviously is in alignment with what theyre already willing to invest in.
We just take it a step further with the network marketers and we build an audience of people that already believe in our business model.
Then, once or twice a month you reach out to them.
You can have it in your PS in every email.
Just know that 90% of what you need to be doing when youre building this audience is serving them with what they want to be served with, not with what you want.
Thats the key difference in building an audience.
Then, theres a subset of this market, which leads to explosive results.
First, though, lets recap.
Ive covered the
I just stated the reasons we go after the buyers market.
They dont have any of the pyramid objections or any of the skepticism.
But the subset of the buyers market is a powerful thing that you eventually build to.
Once youre effective with building a following, especially the way we teach you, building it online, what happens is a part of that buyers market will be
There will be six-figure earners, seven-figure earners, who are following you who are curious how youve attracted such a big following using social media.
Theyll want to know about the online strategies that we teach here at Elite Marketing Pro.
Timing will happen for them as well.
I cant tell you how many times there have been leaders, six-figure and seven-figure earners in the network marketing space, whove had their incomes taken away.
Usually its because their company got shut down.
Sometimes, though, they
And the company could simply be too old-school for them.
They were successful in this industry and their company, but now, for whatever reason, they decided
Hey, this is not right for me so Im going to move on.
Theyre now looking to make their next move, and if youre the person thats in front of them, guess what?
Youre very likely going to be one of the people they reach out to.
Thats whats been happening in our community.
So many of our members, after only a year or two, were recruiting network marketers who are disenchanted with wherever theyre at now.
Whit and Cari Higham recruited four six-figure earners into their organization over the past year
Brandy Shaver has recruited two six-figure earners and one seven-figure earner into her organization.
Julie Burke restarted her business in December.
She had a disagreement with her previous company and said
No problem, Im going to resign and move on.
A few months later, she announced that she started with a new company starting from zero.
Between December and May, shes brought into her organization seven six-figure earners and four seven-figure earners.
How powerful is that?
Youre building your audience and then youre able to attract leaders into your business.
Thats the reason I say that after youve done this for a while and built an audience, and a brand
Thats a six or seven-figure earner who have a high likelihood of building large teams and driving up volume into your team.
I hope youre catching the vision for what it is were up to here at Elite Marketing Pro, were not just doing social media recruiting.
Were not giving you cold market strategies or scripts on what to say.
Were giving you a strategy thats going to set you up for your entire life.
Youre building a following in the niche that is aligned directly with what youre doing.
Youre attracting people to you that already are positive about what youre doing.
If you build an audience of 10,000 people and 10% of them join your business, well, thats a thousand people that just joined your business.
You arent poaching.
Youre not going out there and trying to convince any of these leaders or any of these networkers to join you.
For those of you who are brand new youre thinking
Oh sure, Im going to be attracting six and seven-figure earners.
You dont even have to believe that part of it right now.
But if you think a strategy that immediately allows you to track people where youre guaranteed that a subset of the people youre attracting, lets say 10%, are potential recruits and not just any recruits people already building network marketing businesses, but are ready to make a change.
If we can help you build a system that attracts those people first, and then you can basically refer the other 90% to what we do here and make money from them too, would that be interesting to you?
If yes, then I highly recommend you sign up for my FREE Online Recruiting Bootcamp.
Its a video course where Ill walk you through how to build your business using the latest technologywhere prospects come to you on a daily basisalready interested in what youve got!
You can take advantage of these methods starting todayno matter how much online prospecting and recruiting experience you have currently.
This is, by far, the most efficient (and fun!) way to build your business today.
In fact, Ill share exactly how my funnels currently generate 300500 leads per day, 3050 customers per day, and onboard 70100 new serious business builders each month.
Within a year, you can start attracting not only high-caliber networkers in the space that need a new place to be, but you start attracting some six and seven-figure earners like Whit, Cari, Brandy, and Julie are doing.
Hopefully, this was powerful for you and gives you some context as to our approach here.
I hear these questions a lot
Why am I being asked to track other network marketers? Arent they already in something?
Yes, and if theyre already in something and theyre happy, you say
Good for you, here are some tools that might be able to help you.
And thats where we come in.
But, when that person needs a new home, youre the potential home.
So if youre ready to get started
Simply click here and Ill gladly give you access to my 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.
And if you found this content helpful, I would love to read your comments below!
Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection Free - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Prospects & Leads...
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