(Please Enjoy This Post From Guest Blogger Ferny Ceballos)
Welcome to this week’s attraction marketing “Biz Builder” lesson.
Today we have multi-7 Figure producer and online lead generation expert, Ferny Ceballos—that’s me!—, on “How to Attract Prospects While You Sleep.”
In this video, Ferny reveals how he’s able to attract prospects and have hundreds per day submitting their contact information 24/7 to him and get them to pay for his business expenses, even before anyone joins his team.
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Copyright (C) 2016 Elite Marketing Pro, LLC. DBA No Excuses Summit
Ferny delivered this training at our annual live event, the No Excuses Summit, a few years ago.
Network Marketers from around the globe paid thousands of dollars on tickets, hotel, and airfare to be there, but today you don’t have to!
Enjoy the complete training above, and if you’d like to learn how to apply these lessons to build your business using the Internet to sell and recruit, sign up for our 100% Free 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp by clicking right here!
Your Friend,