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Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection Free - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Prospects & Leads...
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(Please Enjoy this post from guest blogger Vitaly Grinblat)
If you’re advertising on Facebook, you already know there are MILLIONS of advertisers out there.
And guess what…all those advertisers are also competing for your prospects’ limited attention.
Yep—unfortunately, you’re not the only one showing up in their News Feed.
Far from it.
I mean, just scroll through your Feed and just notice how many ads you see.
It’s just about every 6th post, right?
Which begs the question, given all the noise and endless distractions out there…
How do you make yourself different?
And most importantly, how do you stand out from the crowd and actually connect with people?
To help answer this question—whether you’re putting together ads, writing an email, or posting on Facebook—I’m going to share six ways to make your message so irresistible…
People will immediately stop scrolling their News Feed or inbox…and pay attention to your message.
You’ll make your message impossible to ignore and will connect with your prospects immediately.
And once you connect, it’s going to be that much easier to sell your products or enroll new team members into your business.
Now, to do all that, you have to say something that leaves an impression on people.
So, on that note, here are six ways to amplify your message and make it more exciting, more memorable, and definitely more compelling!
First, make sure your message is relevant.
When your prospect sees your ad, your post, or your email, they have to know it’s for them.
They have to know that you’re talking to them…personally.
Say something that’s going to resonate with them.
Let me tell you my story as an example…
When I got started in network marketing, it was more of a direct sales business.
I was 19 years old.
I had a big warm market, but it wasn’t that productive.
Plus, I had very little credibility, given I was so young.
My first four months in the business, I talked to a lot of people I knew – including friends and relatives.
I invited them to meetings.
Sometimes, people said they’d come to the meetings but they never showed up.
And other times, people I knew really, really well would come to the meeting and then walk away saying…
“What is this? I’m not interested in this.”
I set up 25 separate kitchen table appointments.
I set up my flip chart, wrote notes on my yellow pad, and talked to them about what we do, who we are, and how we could help their family.
Every one of those 25 people said, “No.”
I use that story in my messages.
If you’re involved in network marketing or direct sales, you will automatically resonate with that story.
You probably feel some of that pain, some of that rejection, because it’s relevant to your own experience.
When you post something, make sure that it’s relevant to your audience.
Because when your message is relevant to their pains, hopes, desires, frustrations, or struggles, it creates an immediate bond.
Next, you should always make your message personal.
Talk about yourself.
(You’ll also want to talk about them, but we’ll cover that a little later.)
I just shared a brief personal story.
I shared about feeling rejected, feeling frustrated, and feeling like a failure because I had zero results.
Nobody bought.
Nobody joined.
I didn’t sign up anybody for four months!
In sharing that story, I showed a little vulnerability.
When you reveal a little bit of yourself by sharing your story, people get to know you.
You want people you’re trying to attract into your tribe to get to know you.
That is what’s going to help them like and trust you.
If you’re only posting about business, they won’t ever get to know you.
Why would they connect with somebody they don’t know?
If you want to establish credibility, if you want to establish trust, allow people get to know you and like you.
Reveal a little bit about your life.
Being relevant and getting personal with your message is super important.
Story is the glue that holds your message together.
Talking about concepts and benefits, or principles and philosophies is good, but it can be dry.
On the other hand, when you can convey that same information in the form of a story – whether it’s about yourself, something you read, something you saw on television, in the news, or in a movie – it creates a mesmerizing effect on people.
People are hardwired to pay attention to stories.
Stories are engaging and entertaining.
The minute you start telling a story, you disarm people.
Their resistance drops.
They start paying attention.
They’re captivated.
For example…
Even if it’s based on a true story, you know it’s just a movie.
You know it’s not real life.
But for two hours, you’re fully engaged, because it’s a story.
(Unless it’s a lousy movie, of course!)
Now I’m not telling you to share two-hour stories.
But by using brief stories in your ads, Facebook posts, or emails, you’re going to create that same emotional effect on your audience.
If you want to get great at telling stories, there are plenty of resources out there.
Reverse-engineer what you see and feel when you experience stories.
Read books about stories and storytelling
Watch movies or television programs and pay attention to how they are telling the story and why the story works.
Whenever you read a good book, analyze how the author has hooked you emotionally, or why you identified with the hero.
Use the power of story in your own ads, in your own marketing, in your own messages.
People buy emotionally; they don’t buy logically.
The decision to buy is emotional – but people back up that buying decision with logic.
So when you’re posting a message or telling a story…
Charge your words with emotion.
After every message I write—whether it’s an email, an ad, a sales letter, or even a blog post—I always look it over and ask…
The answer to those questions relies on hitting on specific pain or frustration points or talking about the goals and desires that you know your audience would resonate with.
We don’t buy things for logical reasons.
Think about the last time you bought something—new clothes, a car, a house in a certain neighborhood, a vacation.
Why did you do it? Why did you buy that particular thing?
Well, you probably bought it because it made you feel good, because it elevated your status.
Then you justified it with logic.
So if you’re trying to persuade people to see the value of your product, make it emotional.
Ask yourself…
“What is it about my product or business opportunity that’s going to appeal to people on an emotional level?”
Once you have the emotional hook, then bring in the facts and logic to help them justify the decision to buy or do business with you.
Human beings are very curious by nature.
When we see something that provokes our curiosity, we automatically want answers.
Here’s a simple example.
When I use the popular headline formula, “How to ______”…
…it immediately triggers a question in your head, even though I’m not directly asking you a question.
When I say I’m going to tell you how to do something, assuming it’s relevant to you, you immediately want to know…
“Yeah, how do you do that?”
That provokes curiosity.
That’s a very basic, but very powerful way to communicate.
When you’re putting together your ad, Facebook post, blog post, or email…
Start simply.
You can always tweak it later, but start with “how to.”
For example, if I say…
“How to recruit more, but prospect less,”
Anybody who’s interested in growing their business, and is sick and tired of prospecting and rejection, is going to be extremely curious.
They’re going to want to know…
“Yeah, how do you recruit more people and prospect less?”
If you’re dealing in the diet industry, you might say…
“How to lose weight by eating fatty foods.”
This is super curiosity provoking, because we’ve all been taught that you should avoid fatty foods.
Injecting things that provoke your audience’s curiosity will make your message a lot more compelling.
Always answer…
“What’s in it for me?”
You can tell your story, use emotion, make it personal, provoke their curiosity, and all that good stuff…
But at the end of the day, when people read your message they want to know…
Always think about how what you are offering benefits your prospect.
How is it going to help them?
For example, let’s say you have a highlighter at your desk.
All it does is highlight stuff, right?
But, you didn’t buy it to highlight stuff.
You bought it because you want to make your life easier by emphasizing certain things you’re reading.
A highlighter is a shortcut.
You use it to highlight important points in a book.
That way, you can go back later find those important points without having to search the whole book.
It’s all highlighted.
A highlighter makes life easier for you.
That’s what’s in it for you.
As an exercise…
What’s in it for you?
Ask yourself…
Here’s another example.
Look at all the books on your shelves. Why did you buy them?
Did you buy them because you wanted to read them?
No, you bought them because you wanted the information.
You wanted whatever the promise of that information was.
It was the end result that the book promised you.
That’s the bottom line to your ads and to your messages.
They must be driven by what’s in it for your audience, by what’s in it for your prospect.
“What’s in it for me?”
To recap…
Focus on these six things every time you sit down to write a message, and your ads, your emails, your blog posts, your videos are going to be a lot more compelling and a lot more interesting.
They’re going to be irresistible and pretty much impossible to ignore.
Now, if you’d like to learn more about connecting with your prospects using the Internet (with less stress and a lot quicker than using traditional methods), then I strongly encourage you to sign up for Elite Marketing Pro’s FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.
You’ll learn how to build your business online using proven “attraction marketing” strategies so you’ll never have to chase down deadbeat prospects again.
Plus, you’ll see first-hand how Ferny Ceballos, CMO of Elite Marketing Pro, passively generates 300–500 leads per day, 30–50 customers per day, and recruits 70–100 new serious business-builders into his business each month.
We don’t teach theory, we teach practical strategies that you can take action on immediately to build your business to new heights.
So if you’re ready to get started…
Simply click here and you’ll get access to the 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.
And if you found this content helpful, I would love to read your comments below!
Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection Free - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Prospects & Leads...
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